9 Worst Fights Between Teammates

Worst Fights Between Teammates: We’re sure you all have heard of the Mane vs Sane fight in the Bayern Munich dressing room. Well, that incident made us look at the worst fights that have happened between teammates.

1. Mane vs. Sane – Bayern Munich Drama

We’ll start from that one between Mane and Sane. After the loss to Man City in the Champions League quarter-final, Bayern appeared to implode. Sane and Mane started arguing on the pitch and they took that over into the dressing room where it got physical.

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Worst Fights Between Teammates

Mane struck Sane in the face and has even been handed a suspension and a fine for that. 

Rumors had it that the Senegal international did what he did because Sane called him a “black shit”. Weird if true because Sane, just like Mane, also has Senegalese origins.

It’s not surprising that Mane was let go off the following summer.

2. Neymar vs. Mbappe – PSG Turmoil

Netflix could make a drama series about everything that has happened at PSG this season alone and we would absolutely binge it! It has just been drama after drama in Paris.

Worst Fights Between Teammates

Things have grown quieter as the season evolved, but much earlier in the season, everything was happening everywhere all at once. And the most interesting drama to follow back then was the fight between Neymar and Mbappe.

Rumors had it that Mbappe wanted to kick Neymar out of the club before the season kicked off, but when he didn’t succeed and Neymar caught wind of it, the beef started.

During a game against Montpellier, these two fought over penalties on the pitch and took their fight into the dressing room where it got physical. They reportedly bumped heads, threw objects at each other, and had to be separated by teammates.

A year later, the club separated them by selling Neymar to a Saudi club.

3. Sterling and Joe Gomez – Club to Country Rivalry

The kerfuffle between the international teammates actually started in one of those heated games between City and Liverpool.

They clashed towards the end of that game and it ended there.

Or so we thought. 

After that game came the international break, and they were both called up by England. 

The moment Sterling sighted Gomez in camp, he walked up to him and said “oh, you think you’re the big man now?” and boom! The pair were back at it again. They had to be separated by their teammates.

4. Zlatan vs Oguchi Onyewu – AC Milan Brawl

We all know that Zlatan is the kind of guy who’ll never run from a fight, so when things got heated up between him and a 6-foot-4 Oguchi Onyewu during his first stint at AC Milan, it got really bloody.

For Zlatan.

Surprising, right?

It all started during training, Zlatan went in for a tackle that Oguchi was not very pleased with, so he reacted with a punch. Zlatan quickly responded with a headbutt and a brawl broke out. 

Bro, it took about 10 people to separate the fight between these two giants, and even with that many people, it was still a struggle. 

It’s hard to say who lost the fight, but what we know is that Zlatan secured a broken rib, so you decide.

5. Son vs. Lloris – Tottenham Hotspur Clash

Son and Lloris once got into a fight at halftime during a Premier League game against Everton.

While the teams were making their way down the tunnel after the referee’s whistle for halftime, we spotted an angry Lloris running towards Son Heung-min to confront him.

His beef with the attacker was that he failed to track back at the last moments of the half, leaving them exposed and very nearly costing them a goal. Teammates tried to stop whatever was brewing on the pitch, but they got into the dressing room and the fight continued.

But when you have an issue like this with only a few minutes to settle it, there’s only one person you would want to have doing that and that’s Jose Mourinho. The Special One handled that little situation very brilliantly, and the teammates were back to sharing hugs and smiles at the end of the game.

6. Beckford and Doyle – Preston Pitch Altercation

 Jermain Beckford and Eoin Doyle were in no mood to share hugs back in 2016. In this case, the Preston teammates could not even hold their displeasure until halftime or full-time. They started the fight right there on the pitch while the game was on.

Preston were trailing by a goal against a 10-man Sheffield Wednesday, and in the last few moments, Beckford thought he was in a great position to net the equalizer but Doyle refused to give him the pass. So, he got mad and confronted his strike partner right there and then.

The two really got into it on the pitch and the ref had to send both of them off. Pretty embarrassing and disgraceful from those two.

But before you say “this is why they’ll never make it to the Premier League”, let’s just remind you that this exact same thing has happened in the Premier League before. 

7. Bowyer and Dyer – Newcastle United Fallout

The year was 2005, the game was between Newcastle and Aston Villa, and the culprits were Lee Bowyer and Kieron Dyer of Newcastle.

Again, the cause of the fight was perceived selfishness. Bowyer felt Dyer should’ve passed him the ball, so he yelled something at him to which Dyer responded. Next thing, the pair were exchanging blows right there on the pitch in front of 50k+ spectators. 

These two were definitely not beating the allegations as Bowyer was left with a visibly torn shirt after the altercation. 

They were both sent off and they got fined by the club.

8. Joey Barton’s Assault on Ousmane Dabo

Now, this one was not really a fight, it was straight-up assault. Joey Barton of Manchester City pounced on his teammate, Ousmane Dabo during training and beat him so badly that he lost consciousness and was left with a detached retina.

It’s unclear what caused Barton to be that mad at his own teammate, but it wasn’t a good look at all. Dabo pressed charges and Barton was handed a 4-month suspended sentence, ordered to do 200 hours of community service, and was also told to pay Dabo 3k pounds in compensation.

The FA slapped him with a 12-match ban and a 25k pound fine, while Man City fined him 100,000 pounds, and he eventually even had to leave the club.

9. Ribery vs. Robben – Bayern Munich Free-Kick Fiasco

We’ll now wrap up this article with one we’re sure you weren’t expecting – Ribery vs. Robben. These two were partners in crime during their years together at Bayern, but it wasn’t all rosy between them.

In 2012, during a Champions League semi-final game against Madrid, the pair reportedly got into a fight over who would take a free-kick. Rumors had it that Ribery punched Robben in the face during halftime, but those rumors were never confirmed nor denied.

However, they both admitted in later interviews that something really went down that day but they had since moved past it. 

Well, you can say Mane and Sane were only following in the footsteps of their predecessors. 

Are there more instances of fights between teammates that you know of? Share with us in the comments.

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