10 Football Players Lookalikes That Will Blow Your Mind

Sometimes, distinguishing between football players lookalikes can be tedious, especially if you’re a newbie to soccer . It is a famous superstition that states there are seven people on Earth with similar faces. Imagine having 6 other doppelgangers among almost 8 billion people! While we can’t be certain about the existence of 6 lookalikes, we can certainly find footballers with striking resemblances, and we assure you haven’t seen most of these before.

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Football players lookalikes

 Here are 10 famous football players who have look-alikes:

1) Karim Benzema and Shia LaBeouf

Football players lookalikes
Left one is Karim Benzema

The famous actor, who rose to prominence in the Transformers series, is an EXACT lookalike of the high-flying French marksman, Karim Benzema. I mean, just look at them; it’s difficult to distinguish between the two, and someone who only knows one of them might think they are the same person. Born only a year apart, they could easily be mistaken for twin brothers if seen together in public!

2) David Alaba and Tyler the Creator

David Alaba on the left

Not everyone is familiar with Tyler, the Creator—he’s an American rapper and record-breaking producer. The striking resemblance between him and David Alaba, however, went unnoticed until Tyler himself tweeted THIS in 2013:

A month later, when Alaba won the Champions League with Bayern Munich, Tyler tweeted:

We can’t help but agree with Tyler, the Creator, who lived up to his name by creating an enduring impression of being David Alaba in our minds!

3) Mesut Ozil and Enzo Ferrari

The guy on the right is Mesut Ozil

Things get a little scary in this case. Why scary? Because Mesut Ozil is often considered the reincarnation of Enzo Ferrari! Why? Well, Ozil was born in the same year that Enzo Ferrari passed away (1988).

The resemblance between the two is so uncanny that the story has become an integral part of football folklore. Enzo Ferrari, as his name suggests, is the founder of Ferrari.

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Another mind-blowing point is that the German midfielder was born exactly two months after Enzo Ferrari’s demise. Perhaps that’s the time it takes for God to reincarnate people, at least the famous ones!?”

4) Cesc Fabregas and Zachary Quinto

Cesc Fabregas was once renowned for executing ridiculously timed passes in the most complicated spaces on the football field—passes that were hard to decode at a single glance. However, Fabregas might be surprised by what we’ve discovered!

Football players lookalikes
Cesc Fabregas on the left

Known as ‘The Master’ in football, Fabregas bears a striking resemblance to Zachary Quinto, an American actor you may recognize from the science fiction drama ‘Heroes.’

Upon closer inspection, it becomes challenging to differentiate between Fabregas and Zachary Quinto in these two photos. Everything, from the nose to the eyes to the hairstyle, is identical for both of them.

 5) Joe Hart and James Van Der Beek

Football players lookalikes
Joe hart on the left

The former Manchester City goalkeeper was regarded as one of the most trusted men between the sticks, winning many trophies during City’s emergence. Now, take a look at James Van Der Beek, and here is Joe Hart. Oh wait, did we just get confused there?

James Van Der Beek isn’t the current Everton man on loan from Man United, but an American actor who looks exactly like Joe Hart and sounds just like Donny Van De Beek. There are some comparison pictures that make them appear like two photos of the same person—that’s how striking the similarity is!

We’re pretty sure that if we spot both of them walking down a street someday, it would be unbelievable! Even NBC Sports Soccer noticed and tweeted, ‘Nobody’s ever seen Joe Hart and James Van Der Beek in the same room. Coincidence?

6) Niko Kovac and Joseph Gordon Levitt

The former Croatian football player and Bayern Munich manager bears a stark resemblance to ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. FC Bayern US even tweeted a photo of Kovac and Levitt with the caption, “#IHaveAHardTime Accepting that Niko Kovac and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are not related.”

Levitt responded to the tweet with a touch of humor, saying, “I am only 3rd gen American. All my family comes from Eastern Europe. We probably are related.”

The actor likely meant it as a joke, considering the numerous times he has been compared to other actors, such as Heath Ledger, and Levitt is accustomed to it.

7) Cristiano Ronaldo and Biwar Abdullah

Ronaldo on the left

Yes, even the GOAT has a look-alike, and this is a rags-to-riches story for Biwar Abdullah. Biwar was spotted by a shop owner in England when he was wearing a Juventus jersey, and the shop owner thought he was indeed the Portuguese main man.

Biwar, once a construction worker in Iran, is gaining fame and popularity due to his resemblance to Cristiano Ronaldo. In an interview, the Iranian stated,

‘I do play football, and I play in the same position as him, wearing the same number 7 shirt. My dream is to meet him one day.’

Wouldn’t we love for this superfan to meet his idol and fulfill his dreams? We wish him all the best!

 8) Lionel Messi and Reza Parastesh

There’s something in the Iranian air because Reza is an Iranian who bears an uncanny resemblance to Leo Messi, gaining worldwide fame as a result. A French TV station, M6, even mistook his picture for the original when reporting news about the eight-time Ballon d’Or winner, displaying Reza’s picture with the name Lionel Messi.

Messi on the left

In 2017, this doppelganger was almost arrested in his homeland because people thought it was Leo Messi driving a car through traffic in the streets of Hamadan. Reza shared, ‘Now people really see me as the Iranian Messi and want me to mimic everything he does.’ He went on to add, ‘When I show up somewhere, people are really shocked.

9) Louis Van Gaal and Angelina Ramsey

The former Ajax player and Manchester United (2014-2016) manager might not be flattered by this comparison, but the Mum from The Goonies looks EXACTLY like him.

In the picture here, it appears as if Van Gaal is wearing a hat, and it does tickle your funny bone, doesn’t it? We also think he bears a very, VERY strong resemblance to Paul Young when you stare at both of them for a bit. That leaves space for only 4 more doppelgangers if you know what we mean!

10) Mats Hummels and Orlando Bloom

Mats Hummels on the right

The Borussia Dortmund defender bears an uncanny resemblance to the Pirates of the Caribbean star, Orlando Bloom, an English actor. Many fans have pointed out this striking similarity on social media, and the resemblance between the two (almost) got everyone talking. I mean, look at them—don’t they look like twin brothers or even the same person?

We have come to an end of finding famous, or not-so-famous doppelgangers of our favorite footballers. Let us know in the comments which ones are your favorite!

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